The thoughts and musings of one creative soul. Be inspired. Be informed. Above blessed.
Hair Wars IHair Wars III'm a natural beauty...I've had my locs for over a year, and have been natural since 2002. Being natural is quite the experience, and having done the permed look for years I must say that natural is the way to be. I was turned on to these two discussions about natural hair and felt that it would be good to share them with you.I think that the women raise some very interesting questions and views about being natural versus wearing a relaxer. Society has managed to warp women's minds into believing that wearing straight, sleek hair is desireable for women of all cultures. This attitude often leads to women doing all kinds of unhealthy things to their hair, all for the sake of the illusive "good hair."But really...what is 'good hair'? I think the idea of good hair should really be on a personal basis. Using the hair texture that the Creator blessed you with and treating it with the proper care and respect...that's good hair. I do believe that it takes a certain kind of person/woman to be comfortable with a natural 'do. When everyone around you is telling you that straight is the way to wear your hair...that relaxed hair is the style of professional start to believe the hype. Lies...all lies. It's all just a part of how we as Black women allow ourselves to be caught up in the Eurocentric mindset. Deep down we want to emulate the ways of white people and so we sometimes fashion ourselves to be more like them. Straight, long contact lenses....I mean really who are we kidding? God didn't make us that way for a reason, so why are we trying to change who we are meant to be. Doesn't the Lord tell us in Psalm 139:14 that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made"? Someone please tell me why we have forgotten that.Admittedly, I never thought I would be able to wear my natural hair out...let alone wear locs, but as I got older and matured I came to appreciate myself even more. I wanted to know what the real me looked like, and when I found out...I was in love. Here I finally was, all me, all the time, and I loved it. I'm not knockin' relaxed sistahs, I just wish that they could experience the freedom that comes from not having to worry about getting your perm/weave wet, or making those 'touch up' appointments cause your real roots are showing, or even suffering from the burns and scars that can come from leaving a relaxer in too long. It's a beautiful thing to not have to be concerned with that - to just be able to wake up and do your thing. I wish y'all could feel me on that.Anyways, check out the two clips above, the women featured in them raise some very interesting and thought-provoking points about natural and relaxed hair. Feel free to share your comments.PeaceCongoBrava
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