Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Day After

Americans…last night we did something amazing. We made history. And I am SO proud and humbled to be here in this day and time. So thankful for those who came before us and blazed a trail. So proud to be an American.

Last night, my countrymen and women spoke…we spoke loudly…and we said the time is now…change begins today. We spoke for fairness, for peace, for honesty, and for the chance to remind ourselves and the rest of the world that we are UNITED. That we are still a mighty country and that from the biggest to the smallest, the old to the young, the rich to the poor, we are together…we are ready to go to work…to turn ourselves around towards a brighter future for our children. Last night we elected Barack Hussein Obama the 44th President of these United States of America.

I couldn’t be prouder of my country, my home.

We spoke…together. We took action…we were informed and passionate. This… our moment. Now is our time. I believe that with this election we have set a new precedent for the course of this country. I hope that as the days, months, weeks, and years pour on that we do not lose sight of the very important lesson learned in this election…

United, under one cause…moving towards one common goal…looking past our differences and acting…acting together, we can achieve much.

To my generation, to my peers, the Gen Y/Millennials…I say that this is our time. We have chosen a President to represent that which we believe in – service to mankind, integrity, and grace. We must capitalize on this most awesome of occasions and let the world know that we are here. It is our time to take the lead, and it can be done and shall be done as we look at others with the realization that we are all citizens of this great nation and hold a great responsibility to one another, to this nation, and to the rest of the world to work towards a goal greater than ourselves.

Today I am inspired.

Today I am hopeful more than ever before.

Today I know and see that anything is possible.

Today I am a part of history.

Today I am a part of the future.

Today I feel as though I am at one with my countrymen.

Today I feel the promise of America being realized.

Today I am proud to be an American.

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